Wednesday 9 June 2010

Of blood and snow

So, after much deliberation i finally decided it was time to jump on the band wagon and level my death knight, most of you will have probably noticed me spending most of my time when not raiding on him over the last few days. i finally managed to get him to northrend level and have begun the long grind to 80, and to help speed this up Via the dungeon finder, i have dual specced to be able to tank as well. now obviously my main is a tank and because of this i do have quite a bit of curiosity as to how different tanking classes compare (i know nystal will most likely give me the silent treatment for this but at one point i was trying to build up a tanking set for my paladin, after having a quick go at 'paladin tanking' on the ptr. needless to say i never got round to it).

as it stands I'm not at level 80 so i cant say for how it is at end game, but so far DK tanking is very different from warrior tanking. Now I like to consider my self a very good tank, however starting to tank with my death knight i feel like i am having to learn to tank again, First and most obvious deathknights run on runes and runic power as opposed to rage, because of this there isn't really a 'spammable' move, like devastate, its more about watching cool downs, making sure you're using the correct order of moves to minimise the amount of time you find yourself unable to use any abilities, and from what i know of paladin tanking it is slightly similar, in that all your main tanking moves have cooldowns, whereas druid tanking is more like warrior tanking (feel free to correct me if im wrong).

Now i do have all 4 of these classes, although 2 of them (druid and dk) are not at 80, but i am tempted to try tanking on all of them to see how they compare, but if i was to do this i'm positive i wouldn't be able to keep them all tanking, probably 2, max simply because the tanking styles would be so different, i fear that having to remember how to tank on so many characters would mean my quality of tanking suffering, jack of all trades, master of nothing and all that. now this isn't to say that it isn't possible,I'm sure there are many people out there who have 3 or 4 tank chars, scully for example, and I've run instances/raid with him while he's been tanking on cheetan skarge and scully and he's an excellent tank on all of them. but i just feel that for me personally i wouldn't be able to do it as i am a bit of a perfectionist, i like to focus on 1 char and get the job as near to perfect as i can, hence why at the moment i have a 1 tank, 1 dps and 1 healer.

now this isn't to say i wont have more in the future (most likely dps tbh) but to me tanking and healing are roles that require a lot of focus (not to say that dps doesn't, but in my own personal experience i find myself needing to be more focused when tanking or healing) and to keep my focus, i'd prefer only having to worry about knowing how to do the job on 1 char, otherwise i may find myself hitting the wrong buttons, or trying to do something that i would normally do on another char.

Anyways that's the end of that. in other news i am out of training and have started my new job at work this week, which i am enjoying very much at the moment, it does affect my working hours so you'll be seeing me on at all sorts of different time over the weeks, it does however mean that i will be missing the Thursday raids every so often, late shifts and the such. all i have to say is you better not down the lich king without me, i still ha vent forgiven you lot for downing mimiron without me *shakes fist* :p

And on that note, I'm off.

Later Housies,
Hawk x


Blogger Taijudo said...

You are correct. Druid tanking is oh so very similar.
Single target you spam maul while using lacerate and maul when they're available.
Multitarget you spam maul (glyphed) and swipe...
Oh and I throw in faerie fire when I can because it builds aggro as well, and it's free.

10 June 2010 at 15:23  
Blogger Taijudo said...

Err... addendum... you spam lacerate and MANGLE when they're available...

10 June 2010 at 15:24  

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